Sunrise is thankful to provide these resources to support church-planting, discipleship and evangelism.
You Can Make Disciples
Jesus commanded in the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. Can we really do it? Is it really possible? Or, are these words just for preachers and big shots?
Jesus Himself gave us this command, but also promised that He would be with be with us. He has all authority in heaven and on earth! If we walk with Him and trust Him, He will use us to make disciples! I hope these words will encourage your faith to believe that God will use you to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
The Destiny of America
Most people who have made a huge impact on the world had a sense of destiny. Although they do not always know the details of their journey, they have a clear purpose and vision that motivates and drives them to fulfill their destiny. We can see this in the lives of many Biblical characters. Joseph, for example had a dream through which God revealed to Joseph what he was going to do. Joseph had a sense of destiny and continued to believe God through many hardships. Eventually the dream God had given him was fulfilled.